Mommy turned 50. :)
Night before, we had a surprise family dinner at Banquet.
Although Dad did spoil it a lil, bcuz he wasn't smart enough to cover line!
cisssss. +)
But takpe la, she enjoyed it anyways.
Food was alright. No WOW factor, tapi boleh tahan. the cakes i like.
Ambiance was nice. =)
She was most surprised when they brought the cake out! :D
Thank you all for coming!

p/s ; i'm sorry the post seems so borrringgg, yeah i know! but i'm really lazy and tired. +)
So yes, the day after.
She was so busy with sms-es and calls coming in.
From all over the world, infact! :P
But i did tell her, i'm taking her out for lunch/tea. its her bday treat!
Bcuz dad will be bringing sams for badminton training.
So then, we went to Bijou(
I was so scared when we turned in to park,
I saw R*se cheche's car parked there.
Thank goodness she didn't realise whilst walking in! ;) *phew.
So then we walked in, i said i made reservations, under Nicole.
Then they brought us in, to a "section closed area"
Mom was thinking, huh??
And all of a sudden, SURPRRISEEEE! :D
Four of her girlfriends were sitted there, (two couldn't make it!)
So yes, she didn't even sniff anything! muahahhahahaa.
She was well surprised, the aunties were so touched jugak! hahahaha
Aunty Shanti : Nicole, i give you 9 years to train Arvind in time when i turn 50! haha!
So yes, everybody followed the theme, something white, something pink!
Thank you aunties for coming! :)
So yes, that was my bday pressie to mom, the tea with her gfs was on me.
Food was good, place was nice.
And lil party favor for them was a burned cd with some songs, some of mom's fav as well and a thank you card.
Came back, had supper with the dad sams n grandma. =)

pps; excuse the lousy photos! :P i didn't have my slr with me bcuz the lens was with dad!
so yes,
Happy Blessed 50th Mommy!
Love always!