I just realized,
so many JUNE babies!! :D:D
Today is Alyssa's /Princess' birthday!
Happy happy birthday babe!
You're now joining nicky, a year closer to figuring out what the world brings.
*she covered eyes and said nooo don't want! ahahahhaha. ;)
Thank you for being so-princessy,
bcuz its only you i can tahan taking all the time in the world to get ready/pack/leave,
somehow it doesn't irritate or drive me up the wall,
thank you for being so gifted in artsy fartsy stuff,
for always being there to talk be it random/sad/happy issues,
and for always being yourself all this while,
lalalaff you always!
on the other hand,
school leavers is almost done.
almost done doing the nilai moral's. geez.
and almost done preparing for mom's 50th.
i got my red six mill dollar crumpler bag for the baybay!
red top from von from s'pore! :)
no kidding,
its very stressful lately.
with the rc project due end of this month,
rushing to finish the school leavers page,
people creating probs sending in the photos LATE! (ergghhh!)
plenty non stop piles of homework everyday,
editorial board photoshoot,
fees hasn't been fully collected, some not wanting to pay the late fine.
oh my goodness. i need a break already.
and it hasn't even come to TRIALS AND SPM.
father's day tmr! ;)
that me! :) laflaf u too!
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