I'm sorry I was EIGHT minutes late.
I think I need a phone feature to be added like i*hy'* one.
La*t minute planning was crazy.
A**y and A*-l* was on the edge of having WWIII
I had to play pretend as A**y to pr*nce**' mom!
Cream puffs delivery came along with the rain.
Lighting the yummy puffs wasn't easy!
But anyhoo anyhow,
WE managed altogether.
She came down with i*hy and b*a,
A**y went to talk to buy some time.
The rest of us started singing while carrying the yummy puffs.
So yes, she was surprised. =]
Then, A**y wanted to smack&squash the puff on her face.
She SCCCCC-REEEAAA-MMMEDDDD on the highest pitch and eventually,
Sat Down.
And yada yada yada.
Ch*r, A*-L* and A**y went on wanting to squash n smack the poor yummy puff's colored icing letter!
We made an ad for M*v*,
All six managed to fit to A*-L*'s place.
We had p*zz* for lunch!
And talkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkedddddddddddd the afternoon away.
My fav part of the talk talk session,
**** : ".........burp"
the girls would know this! (dont you girls? *wink)
So yeah, yet another surprise planned by us.
And once again, Happy Birthday Princess!
Lalalaff you,
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