oh so yummy!!
perfecto for people with braces like me. ngahahaha.
finally, i'm 99% done with the RC folio and product.
left the rendering to colour on, which i will consult princess first. :)
hopefully hisham will be coming tmr.
oh how i await the happy stress-free days,
SPAIN WON. tralalalala.
i slept at two doing RC, woke up at 3, slept at 445, woke up 6ish.
wooshh, and didn't get to siesta this afternoon.
was so occupied, had lunch with abby, ai-li, fran and mommy.
then ai-li came over, helped me clean up the product,
she went back, i showered then managed to shut eye for 10mins,
fetched grandma from the lrt, sams from school,
to the hardware shop and bagus to get baking stuff.
wushh wushhh dushhhh,
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