About Me
- Nicky Chin
- i don't have a fancy collection of lens neither do i have a 2nd body to shoot with, but i make the most of what i have :) xx
How evenings are spent
Yes, about three times a week, whenever there's no class or even if there is, I try to make it back in time to ball back in high school. With both, juniors and seniors, it's nice to see one another and play a good game of ball. And of course, I want to burn them fats :P
I've also always wanted to shoot them playing whenever I watch OTH. Seeing how Quinn photographs the ballers and River Court made me want to do same likewise. So yes, I finally took the camera along to court. I would definitely like to try shooting in film as well, must remember to bring Holga out one evening :D
And these were the happy faces of them ballers on a lovely Monday evening,
and I'm definitely missing ballin' now that is the fasting month. Oh well, maybe I should fast a little then since there's no balling going on. Hahahahha. Happy fasting ya'll. xx
Kerala, Trivandrum
Coconut trees were seen almost everywhere, coconut was served as welcome drinks almost every time too! So yes, by then I knew I was in India alright, of coconuts, buttermilk & papadom. This getaway was a lovely one, with college mates.
The sunrise and sunset were all amazazinggggg. I lovelovelove it! Too bad I was sick midway through the trip, so I was too sick and energy level was at zero to even take the camera out, sigh. And yes, I was in the jinx of going to India and having some kinda stomach upset and such. Eyuck, it was horrible and disgusting I tell you :P
The one night stay at the boathouse was nice too, except for being sick started right after we left the boathouse, haha. The food was so so good, yummy and fresh! We even got to watch the WC via satellite and woke up so so early in the morning to take pictures and was greeted by the awesome misty sunrise, kids going to school with the school boat instead of bus, housewives rolling out their chores and etc. And oh! Bathing with freezing icy cold water reminded me of NS, good thing I had a good three month practice :)
See, I kid you not about the coconut trees :P
And of course, a HUGE thank you goes to Govind and his family. We had a great holiday, thank you all the planning, good food and warm company :)
note: there are more pics, but it's taking forever to upload. shall find a slideshow thingy soon and post more. loves xxx
Posted by
Nicky Chin
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

With love from India
Sunset at Kovallam, Trivandrum.
Shall unpack my luggage first, and then post more!
Loves xxx
Digital Photography's Final Assignment
It was crazily hard thinking of a theme to do, Daffee was pushing me to the maximum possible, finally we agreed on something.
The theme was The Strength Of Women In Life and the doughnut that was in every picture was as a comfort food through life and it slowly gets less and less as a little girl grows up to an elderly lady. It was fun buying doughnuts every week and getting them "models" to pose for me. What made it extra special was everybody that was featured were people very close and dear to me :) We have Olivia & Isabel to My Lovelies to Chechi to Mommy and Grandmother. And thankfully, the judges were pleased with all the pictures and the comments by them made my day indeed. I was worried they wouldn't understand the theme, but I was wrong, they loved it and completely understood everything including the float to resemble a doughnut! :P A first mini exhibition was definitely a huge success! And here's a huge thank you to everyone who helped from giving ideas to being models and reminding me not to give up. Hugs.
ps; and now the frame featuring Ollie & Issie has signatures and kind words from everyone at the exhibition sitting in my room. it reminds my why I love photography and to keep pursuing it even further :)
Posted by
Nicky Chin
Saturday, May 15, 2010

The annual MSSD basketball tourney was held in april. this time around, at taman hijau, rawang. no longer it is at kepong; segar has been dominating since ramesh took charge training them. so yes, at least there's a change of venue now. despite only having one court, but on the brighter side, it has a roof so rain or shine, the games went on :)
the melawati kids did fairly alright, the girls won 3rd&4th for U18 and U15 respectively. the boys didn't make it through the quarters. the standard has dropped, and we can now see more malay schools coming up and playing better basketball. which is a good thing. but the rivalry, cheering and mocking between schools is still there, hasn't change in any bit :)
Been ballin' with them and a few seniors since before mssd till now. feels good to be on court to burn them fats!! :D i try my very best to make it in the evenings even after class and crazy load of assignments :(
ps; but i miss kepong's cheap & good food and also the gorgeous sky and sunlight we used to get there making photos lavleh looking, tsk tsk.
The Rubino Sisters
Olivia & Isabel were such great help when I needed some photos for my final photography assignment which was a mini exhibition of our works to be displayed in the school's lobby. Immediately, both of them came to mind when I needed kids. Thankfully, their mama was supportive and the girls gladly played along and had fun being in front of the camera. It's so nice looking back at their photos from when they were just babies, how fast they've grown and Olivia is already in kindi. Aww.
Will update more about the exhibition next! Have a good week, everybody. It's hello to term 4 tomo! :)
Back from MIA
Posted by
Nicky Chin
Sunday, April 04, 2010