Sorry for the long absence from updating,
been busy at work :)
Just incase you don't know yet, i'm helping Su Yin (cookingismypassion.blogspot.com / delectable.com.my) out now till i enroll into coll in the june/july intake.
Go check out her websites,
you'll have a look for urself how awesome this lady is,
at only twenty three, she has accomplished so much already,
and is definitely letting her dreams and passion bringing her far.

It's been fun and exciting these coupla days,
seeing her do all those baking etc is way cool and sgt sedap! :D,
helping her out when siap je buat beratus2, so the happy and satisfying,
it's definitely oh so fun working with them two, Su Yin and El,
they may be loud and crazy wacky but that's what makes them great to work with,
never a dull moment working the whole day long,
everyday is a learning experience i enjoy and treasure.
Oh yes!
KL Design Week is on the 28th of March at Cap Square, so do COME and check out our tent k!
Will update more later, penat!
ps ; i'll figure out a way to dl the simpleviewer so i can post my ns photos.
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