it's just a coupla days more till the end of the month, then work at Delectable will be over; college will be starting soon, hee! and hopefully there'll be more time to spend with the camera, with the girls and evenings to ball at school. ahh yes, anticipating it oh so much! :D but of course, i'm a lil sad to leave Delectable, but oh well, i miss having more time to spend ballin in the evening and then having mamak after while gossiping, bringing the camera out to click click and explore; coming back and inserting the memory card almost immediately in the card reader to have a look at the photos and start post editting, shopping from morning till evening with the girls; even if it's just window shopping, trying out in fitting rooms, movies or grabbing deals during the sale, lazing around at home after sleeping in, and watching my tv series online. which reminds me, i have yet to wash Along's graduation photos and update some new photos in new frames to be placed in the living room area. grr.
on the brighter side, sat will be spent with the girls, then mommy will be back from hk and then sunday will be her birthday plus father's day as well; so will be having din din with the Ngiau's, the Leong's and the Chan's. Ah, blissful weekend i'm looking forward to.
till then; xoxo's.
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