ahh, okay, time for story mory!
after having lunch, we decided to head to Aven*e K to take photos,
bcuz its less congested with people, makes things much easier,
andddd, there's Toys R Us there! :D
but boy oh boyyyy,
every floor we were at, we got chased/notified,
"sini tak boleh ambik gambar la dik"
but anyhow, we did manage!
muahahhaa. on the escalators, billboards of shops under renovation and at the ends,
so then, we decided to head down la kan? after we were done with TRU.
whilst going down the escalator floor by floor,
we could hear a guy making that *kissywissy* sound,
but we played ignorant and just didn't care much bout him,
but we could hear it even more clearer and sounded closer,
eeeksss. but we were alrdy reaching, so we figureddd, ahh, leave him alone!
then, all of a sudden as we reached the ground floor,
something was thrown from above,
boy was i freaked out,
thank heavens D & A was in front of me and M.
my foot did get some hit and run from the pieces of it.
so then, the guards and people selling stuff there starting running towards us,
"are u all alrighttt?" "okay tak?"
the guard went to check, he said 'twas a lighter!
OMGGGG. sumpah, i've never encountered someone throwing a LIGHTER.
Cissssss, very the evilskinkampoop!
so then, the guard went up and hopefully, caught him or something.
we hurried back to KLCC!
that business man that came down with us,
"that was very baddd" hahahaha, tau pun! bcuz even he heard it all the way down!
haishhhh. i'm nvr again going there.
btw, check out the photos, stinkynicky.multiply.com