working twelve hours straight is no joke,
if it wasn't for yesterday's wedding dinner, no way i'll do so many hours straight,
teramatlah penat especially when there's no one coming in.
but when we're busy, then it's fine, fully alert,
speshly when those cute lil babies and kids come by,
ahh, pure joy.
had a good catch up time with the cousins today for lunch too!
so yes, work at Delectable has been good,
it's quite sad thinking i'll be leaving pretty soon,
i've learned a lot since i started out end of march,
and i don't regret a single bit starting even so soon after i got back from ns,
felt like i nvr had a break since spm,
haha, it was spm-post spm-ns-results-work straight.
but of course, one week of sydney was great.
ah, thinking of leaving makes me realize that i'll actually be missing the yummy smells of the cupcakes, my fav choc truffles, and etc etc,
everything delectable i'm going to miss :(
and the people of course.
but what to do, life goes on,
it felt the same during ns as well, huhu.
college; here i come.
XOXO; loves.